It’s fantastic to announce that the UK Demolition sector has been able to attract and employ 25 new demolition apprentices to its ranks which is a 60% increase on our first Trailblazer cohort who will be doing their End Point Assessment(EPA) in the coming weeks after completing their 2-year programme. Over the last 2 weeks we have inducted and commenced the demolition apprenticeship programme with 10 demolition contractors from around the UK supporting the development of the next generation of demolition professionals. Thank you to Keltbray, Erith, Gilpin, UDCS, Fuller Demolition, Cantillon, EC1A, Fibrem, AR Demolition and Thompsons of Prudhoe for supporting and to the NFDC and IDE for helping to champion.
This really has been a showcase of collaboration between Industry and a Further Education provider with LSEC supporting us alongside IFATE and our relationship manager Neil Jones to ensure we can fund and deliver training for the industry by the industry.
Thank you to CITB for the support provided through the “Travel to Train” initiative.
Week 1:- London & Southern Cohort in London

Week 2:- Midlands & Northern Cohort in Wakefield